
Brent Haseleu

Nickname: Haz

Bat/Throw: R/R

Birthday: 12/20

Years Playing With The Tigers: 2006-2009, 2012-present

Position(s): IF

High School/Graduation Year:
Springfield High School - Class of 2006

College: SDSU

Family: parents: Randy & Rose, siblings: Ashley and Derek

Job: carpenter

Best Part Of Playing Amateur Baseball: Frank's new spikes

Least Favorite Ballpark to Play In: Lamberton

Most Respected Opposing Player: Colby Pack

Describe Your Dream Day at the Ballpark: a 70 degree night game with no wind or bugs

What Makes Marty Most Mad? Missing bunts or not showing up

Number of Times During the Season Davis Will Put Nocky in to Pitch With Little or No Warmup Time: 4

Most Memorable Excuses for Missing Game or Being Late: It looked like rain

Parting Thoughts: It's good to be back.